Truth or Dare?
Here is an “abstract” (with poetic license) of my poet’s tree, below it:
Truth Endures
One truth creates one stone-
Enduring bridge of our own
Beauty shines upon hearts traveled-
In dream worlds yet to be unraveledEndure Truth or Dare?
It’s time to lay out the truths in stone,
About which, others may love to moan.
It is your best friend with none to fear
As each stone will draw us near.There is wind, cold or a blazing sun.
This is truth from which many might run.
Climbing up onto this stone, we go inside
To be closer, and with much to confide.A stone of distance is a well-written letter
Weaving words into a tightly-woven sweater.
An easy plane ticket across the miles
Is no substitute for secrets, passion and smiles.Age is the next stone on our path.
To me it matters so very little.
It contains many lessons in math
And I’ll dance a jig to any fiddle.When it comes to a meaningful friend
There’s no reason for it to end
Because each truth is our stone
We’ll call this bridge our own!seemsame
12:08 AM